Executive Functioning

Executive Functioning is an umbrella term that encapsulates a set of self-regulatory skills and mental processes that help us plan and execute tasks. Broken down, they include organization, time management, task initiation and completion, sustained attention, planning and prioritizing, goal directed persistence and emotional regulation.  

Executive Functioning Services

  • Executive Functioning Coaching

    $175 • Weekly 45 minute sessions • One-on-one • Conducted Online

    Coaching sessions are as unique as the individual and are driven by the goals set by the individual. The aim of the ongoing sessions is to develop a toolbox of strategies that bolster the individual’s ability to approach a variety of tasks and ultimately, the self, capably, with confidence and with understanding.

  • Accountability Hour Add-On

    $25/week • Weekly Executive Functioning Coaching is required

    Accountability hour is a bi-monthly Sunday meeting intended to keep individuals on track with their weekly plan. Individuals all sign on at 4pm, share their plan with the coach, and then work independently for the remainder of the hour. The coach is available for check-ins and questions but the time is meant as a work time and is carved out so that individuals stay accountable to themselves


  • Clients will receive a zoom link for each meeting and should be prepared with a charged computer and with whatever work needs to be addressed. After each session, clients receive a summary of the day’s work and reminders for the week ahead, when applicable.

  • It is most sustainable and most easy to build momentum if sessions are weekly.

  • Accountability Hours are only open to clients and provide additional time to be online with Michele in order to follow up on work that was planned in the weekly session.

  • Canceled sessions require 24 hour notice. In unforeseeable instances of sickness, 12 hour notice is appreciated. Clients will be billed in full for no-shows.