Free the body •  Focus the mind

I am a Somatics Educator and Executive Functioning Coach

The work I do is rooted in developing a person’s ability to self-regulate. Our bodies function as a whole system so a regulated nervous system impacts our entire being. Settling the nervous system with somatics, in the tradition of Thomas Hanna, means bringing our attention to unconscious patterns of tension. Using small, subtle and intentional movements, we learn to sense and release those habits.  So, too, is executive functioning coaching an exploration of habits and patterns that hinder us. In both modalities we’ll practice new ways of engaging with ourselves in order to find the full function of our bodies and our minds.


  • Somatics Stretch

    Somatic Movement Classes

    Somatic movement classes, both online and in-person, invite participants to explore patterns of unconscious tension in the body. With gentle feedback, participants learn to consciously release unconscious patterns in order to enjoy more freedom and experience less pain.

  • Calendar on Desk

    Executive Functioning

    One-on-one Executive Functioning coaching sessions are driven by individual needs and informed by 20 years of educational practice. Together we’ll explore a variety of strategies intended to move the individual away from habits that don’t serve them and to begin to make small, incremental changes in order to build understandings.

“Somatic exercises can change how we live our lives, how we believe our minds and bodies interrelate, how powerful we think we are in controlling our lives, and how responsible we should be in taking care of our own lives.”

-Thomas Hanna

  • The idea of approaching my chronic neck/shoulder pain by "teaching my body how to let go"—as opposed to endless hours of physical therapy (which never worked)— was transformative.


  • I don’t know how else to describe it…I feel integrated!


  • After just one session my awareness of my hips and lower back changed and opened new possibilities for moving which has lead to me increased comfort and less stiffness. During class, Michele stresses the importance of moving at one’s own pace, noticing one’s own experience, and responding to the cues one’s body is giving them; her approach is both grounded and inquisitive, and it has encouraged me to tune into my own experiences in ways I haven’t before. The experience feels almost meditative, but when I rise and move again after a session, my body feels different from the inside out.


  • Michele is an incredible somatics teacher and movement coach. She is warm and kind in her teaching style, has keen eyes, and just the right visual image to help you connect with your body. We all get stuck in patterns of moving and her guidance has helped me feel more freedom and ease in my body.
